V piatok 20.3.2015 sme sa zúčastnili medzinárodnej výstavy spolu so psíčkom z vrhu "A" Aramiskom. Bol to veľmi príjemný deň . Počasie bolo krásne a vystavovacia hala aj okolie bolo naozaj priestranné a hlavne čisté :)
At friday 20th March 2015 we were on internation dog show in Poland with dog from our litter "A" Aramis. It was really nice day, weather was perfect, and showroom really nice and clean. My thanks belongs to owners of Aramis for such a good day.
Ďakujem majiteľom Aramiska Skarlet a Zdenkovi za spolujazdu.
Judge: Janusz Opara (PL)
Isis SANDIRÉ - champ class - Exc1, CWC, CACIB, BOS!!!
Aramis FURRY LUCK - open class, Exc3