NVP + MVP Lučenec / National and IDS show Lučenec
10.05.2015 10:00
Cez víkend 9-10.5.2015 sa zúčastnil Aramis dvoch výstav v Lučenci. Oba dni mal v triede konkurenciu a získal cenné hodnotenia. Aramis tým splnil podmienky pre udelenie titulu a stal sa SLOVENSKÝM ŠAMPIÓNOM KRÁSY!!!! MOC GRATULUJEM A ĎAKUJEM!
In weekend 9-10th May 2015 was dog from our kennel Aramis on 2 shows in Lučenec. Both days has concurention in class and he gave perfect results. And after all ARAMIS is NEW SLOVAK BEAUTY CHAMPION!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Saturday, Judge: Miroslav Guniš
ARAMIS Furry Luck - Exc2, res. CAC
![](https://0378ee16ed.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/389df6f84a030b418c0290278855fa6d/200000651-40bba42b15/aramis LC.jpg)
Sunday, Judge: András Koros
ARAMIS Furry Luck - Exc1, CAC
(majiteľ/owner: SKarlet Křížková)
![](https://0378ee16ed.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/389df6f84a030b418c0290278855fa6d/200000652-023550428f/Aramis LC2.jpg)
Ďakujem rozhodcom za krásne hodnotenie a majiteľke za reprezentáciu! Many thanks to judges for nice results and owners for representation.